The Brown Belt Syllabus (updated)

Ukemi Waza

• Drop from legs being pulled away
• Cross forward roll
• Cartwheel


  • Full neck clinch

Atemi Waza

  • Yoko geri (mid level)
  • Uke & Tori role-based combination striking drills
  • Skilled use of combinations of complementary atemi against multiple resistive ukes under high pressure
  • Uke can follow tori, move in and out of range, delivering punch combinations including
    advanced ukeing skills (equality of attacking commensurate with grade, stature, age and conditioning)

Nage Waza

  • Sumi Gaeshi – (roundhouse)
  • Tawara Gaeshi – (neck crank – CA: open hand to groin)
  • Suki Nage – (single lapel grab attack, between leg version)
  • Osoto Gake – (single arm rear naked strangle)
  • Ashi Dori – (Side headlock – CA: open hand to groin)
  • Sumi Gaeshi – (roundhouse, via arm drag)
  • Tawara Gaeshi – (roundhouse)
  • Suki Nage – (square off, shoot, double leg grab version)
  • Ashi Dori – (square off, shoot to clinch)
  • Yoko Guruma (assisted ukemi from strike)
  • Nage No Kata – Uke Otoshi, Seio Nage, Uke Goshi, Ura Nage, Yoko Guruma, Uke Waza

Ne Waza

  • Single Leg X guard entry drill

Scenario Training

  • Knife defence from stab down, solar plexus and slash attacks
  • Broken bottle defence
  • Defence from punch and kick combinations
  • Defence at close quarters
  • Defence against one-hand hair grab from the front with punch & knee
  • Defence from a grab ambush from behind when lying face down
  • Pressure: peacocking & response (push away or take out)
  • Pressure: milling

Expected Competencies

  • Students must have completed the Club Instructor course and the First Aid course
  • Full knowledge of TJF Judo competition rules